Food industry and beverages production

Disposal and return of condensed steam from tank fryers

(Fat-and-oil plant)


Problem description:

  • In the course of designing the new oil-extracting workshop, it was provided to use the standard scheme of the condensed steam disposal from tank fryers, i.e. installation of the common condensate extractor to all the tanks of one fryer.
  • It was also provided to ensure a standard scheme on the condensed steam return with the help of the large collector installed outdoors and electric pumps. Such a solution would cause continuous energy losses due to using large holding tanks, due to losses of the secondary steam through the respiratory pipe of the atmospheric condensed steam collector (16% of the steam consumption at the fryer) and due to the cavitation and fast response of electric pumps.

SpiraxSarco solution:

  • Install an individual condensate disposal from every tank of every fryer using ball float steam traps FT14 SpiraxSarco

  • Install the secondary steam separator for the secondary steam unit of 3 bar and for using it on 3 bar steam consumers (heat supply station, etc.)
  • Install the valve for the automatic pressure control to ensure stable pressure of 3 bar in the secondary steam separator.
  • Install 4 mechanical pumps MFP14 SpiraxSarco for the condensed steam return without using electric power and large tanks.


  • Installation of an individual condensate disposal from every tank ensures an efficient condensate removal even subject to the condition that the load in tanks is different. It results in the absence of the product defects and improvement of the technological process. Moreover, energy sources of 5% from the steam consumption which are present in case of using the common condensate disposal have been prevented (energy losses caused by underflooding of certain tanks with condensed steam, reduction in productivity of the fryer and heat losses increase).
  • Installation of the secondary steam separator has enabled using the secondary steam on low pressure steam consumers. It has resulted in the reduction of the sharp steam consumption in those points. Using such a solution has ensured the elimination of possible posses of 8% of steam consumption of fryers which have been present within the standards scheme (when the condensed steam from fryers is supplied to the condensate reservoir of the atmospheric type).
  • Installation of mechanical pumps has ensured an immediate return of 100°С condensed steam to the boiler house without extra heat losses from large condensed steam collectors. No cavitation problems. Simultaneous operation of just one or two pumps is possible at light loads. It enables revision and checking pumps which are not envolved. Condensed steam is continuously supplied by the condensate piping using mechanical pumps. That prevents the occurrence of problems in winter period.